Friday, July 16, 2010

COngratulations my fellow Monashians!

Yesterday Monash had release the semester 1 results and my entire facebook page were flooded with happy comments. And most importantly my besties, Joe, Jonas, Tinchi, Sally have passed with flying colours and are graduating in November! Good job guys and girls. I hope I can make it to attend your graduation but if I don't my best wishes will always go to you people. Same goes to other friends who have received their results and are graduating whom I didn't mentioned. As for those who didn't do so well. There is always other chances. :)

On the other hand, my second semester is starting soon and I have a pretty hectic timetable this time with classes on Saturdays and two classes on Monday. By saying so, I am all ready to start this new semester and work harder to get better results.

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