Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Law of Jante

As I was reviewing points for my Danish reflective journal, I came across something really unique and only found in Scandinavian country - The Law of Jante. According to wiki, this law shows a pattern of group behaviour towards individuals within Scandinavian communities, which negatively portrays and criticizes success and achievement as unworthy and inappropriate.

Honestly, it kinda sound like Moses's 10 law of commandments in the bible, except in a more inferior way... but I like it ;p

The ten rules state:

  1. Don't think you're anything special.
  2. Don't think you're as much as us.
  3. Don't think you're wiser than us.
  4. Don't convince yourself that you're better than us.
  5. Don't think you know more than us.
  6. Don't think you are more than us.
  7. Don't think you are good at anything.
  8. Don't laugh at us.
  9. Don't think anyone cares about you.
  10. Don't think you can teach us anything.

An eleventh rule recognized in the novel is:

11. Don't think there's anything we don't know about you.

Cool huh?! Oh and this is not a joke, it really exist!

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