Tuesday, May 31, 2011

my final countdown in australia

tomorrow will mark the official last month of my stay in Australia.

I have summited my research paper and I just have one more subject to go and I will call it done once and for all.
I have sold my beloved bicycle today.

One step at a time and I am slowly concluding my journey here in Australia, as the days draw nearer I am starting to realise this is it. this is the end. i won't be seeing Australia for a long time, a place once host me and all the wonderful memories.

I will start to appreciate this final league here, for I know once I leave I will miss this place dearly..

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

friends which stay through thick and think, hot and COLD!

My three lovely best friends from KL came to visit me in this cold cold autumn/winter. They came just in time when I am at the bluest time of the season. Their presence have sent some comfort for me, it's like they brought some sunshine from KL to warm me here in Melbourne.

I am really glad to have good friends which will meet me no matter which part of the world I am, thanks guys and girls for this amazing friendship <3