Saturday, December 31, 2011

moving on 2012.

A little recap through what happened in 2011.

According to my memory, it seems like not long ago that I hosted my 2011 new year party where I behaved bizarrely after a few drinks. I definitely started my new years not as sober as this year. I am pretty sure because i will have to drive home after the new years party tonight.

I felt like I have achieved many in 2011 through good and tough times.
I braised myself and went for study tour in Europe, met a lot of new people and see a lot of new place.
Back in Melbourne, I had hard time looking for an apartment initially but settled to stay in Malvern for half a year. Found a cosy little room which is located in the suburbs. Made my all long dream came true which is to stay in a suburb. Lucky me, I even had a few friends which lived around. Therefore I bought a bicycle and did lots of road trips and more eating with them.
Stefan also came to Melbourne to gave me a surprise visit and we ended up going to Brisbane and Gold Coast, giving me an unforgettable memory there.
The half year ended with me graduating with good grades and I looked forward to embark my new journey in Germany right after that!

My second half of 2011 began with going to language school in Berlin, getting to know Germany and making more new friends and spending most of the second half of 2011 with Stefan and his family and friends. I had tough time struggling to find a job in Germany and ended up with many arguments and tears and dramas with family and even had chicken pox during that time. Thankfully, Stefan was there all the time going through the rough patch with me. Eventually 2011 slowly ended with me being back in KL and Stefan second visit to KL. This time was Stefan's turn to get to know my family and friends more.

Now here I am sitting on my bed writing this post after celebrating with a bunch of high school friends, saw amazing fireworks under the KL nights on the roof top.

I know 2012 is going to be another challenging year and I have many aims that I want to achieve so I will start this year with hopefulness that would keep me company through this tough journey ahead. I also know my family and friends will always be there for me. Who knows, I might be posting more good news in time to come ;)

This blog will definitely be the first to know!

Tschüs 2011, Hallo 2012.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Top 5 Regrets In Life By Those About To Die

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me
This was the most common regret of all. When people realize that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people have had not honored even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made.

It is very important to try and honor at least some of your dreams along the way.

From the moment that you lose your health, it is too late. Health brings a freedom very few realize, until they no longer have it.

2. I wish I didn’t work so hard - This came from every male patient that I nursed. They missed their children’s youth and their partner’s companionship.

Women also spoke of this regret. But as most were from an older generation, many of the female patients had not been breadwinners. All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence.
By simplifying your lifestyle and making conscious choices along the way, it is possible to not need the income that you think you do. And by creating more space in your life, you become happier and more open to new opportunities, ones more suited to your new lifestyle.

3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings - Many people suppressed their feelings in order to keep peace with others. Many developed illnesses relating to the bitterness and resentment they carried as a result.

As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence and never became who they were truly capable of becoming.

We cannot control the reactions of others. However, although people may initially react when you change the way you are by speaking honestly, in the end it raises the relationship to a whole new and healthier level. Either that or it releases the unhealthy relationship from your life. Either way, you win.

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends - Often they would not truly realize the full benefits of old friends until their dying weeks and it was not always possible to track them down. Many had become so caught up in their own lives that they had let golden friendships slip by over the years. There were many deep regrets about not giving friendships the time and effort that they deserved. Everyone misses their friends when they are dying.

It is common for anyone in a busy lifestyle to let friendships slip. But when you are faced with your approaching death, the physical details of life fall away. People do want to get their financial affairs in order if possible. But it is not money or status that holds the true importance for them. They want to get things in order more for the benefit of those they love. Usually though, they are too ill and weary to ever manage this task. It is all comes down to love and relationships in the end. That is all that remains in the final weeks, love and relationships.

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier
This is a surprisingly common one.

Many did not realize until the end that happiness is a choice.

They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits. The so-called ‘comfort’ of familiarity overflowed into their emotions, as well as their physical lives. Fear of change had them pretending to others, and to their selves, that they were content. When deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again.
When you are on your deathbed, what others think of you is a long way from your mind. How wonderful to be able to let go and smile again, long before you are dying.

Life is a choice. It is YOUR life. Choose consciously, choose wisely, choose honestly. Choose happiness.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


sometimes i just have to stress myself and make my point clear so that others will know i am serious.

i am starting to talk like Anne Frank, must have been the book... :=/

Monday, November 28, 2011

weird and strange feeling

i am feeling a little strange after 2 years of moving out from my parents place and now that i am back i still feel that my parents are treating me like a child. honestly i hate that feeling. now i know why people always say that they rather stay on the streets than live with their parents again..

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

attack of the chicken pox!

my chicken pox came too late... way overdue since i was 4!

how comes only 20 years later :(

i look awful now, pretty sure if i was 4 i wont bother how i look with those red spots all over.. ;-/

Monday, September 19, 2011

Updates from Berlin

Yo friends following my blog. I am sorry for my really inactive blog, since I left Melbourne and arrive in Berlin, my life have always been on the run.

For all of you that have missed out let me refresh you with what I have been doing since

In July,

After I have completed my master degree in Melbourne, I took a loooooonnngggg way (almost 21 hours of travel) to get to Berlin. Of course on the way I dropped by my beloved KL for 1 and a half day. Just enough to get all I need for upcoming journey and meet my long-missed family members.

I spent one and a half month in Berlin doing german language courses and getting adapted to the city.
Good side: I met lots of nice people from all around the world, seen lots of nice places, learn alot of new things, get to spend lots of time with Stefan's family and know them better.
Bad side: Missed asian food sooo badly as good asian food is hard to find (haven't found any Malaysian restaurant in Berlin so far), felt alienated sometimes because of the language barrier and of course the usual - home sick :-/

Thanks to the supportiveness of my ever thoughtful boyfriend, Stefan. I managed to overcome most of the downside.

In August,
We left Berlin to KL to visit my family and travel a little, we spent three weeks back home and I wished we could have stayed longer but it won't be possible as Stefan had to complete his final thesis which was due in September.
But we both had a good stay, Stefan got along well with my family and tried and seen lots of new stuffs in KL and Malaysia. KL was definitely a good distraction from all the stress we had.

In September,
Got back to Berlin, I had to start language school the next day after I flew back from KL. We had to battle jet lagged and adapt to all the stress again. Stefan and his final thesis dateline. I on the other hand apart from doing language course was busy job hunting. It has been a really stressing moment for us as I was sending out many applications but not getting any positive respond. Despite so at the moment, I am still trying and hoping for the best.. *keeps fingers crossed*

More to come on my updates... stay tuned!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Life in Berlin

the city is beautiful
the people are nice
the weather is not as good as expected for summer
the language is a big problem but is getting better day by day
the histories are always so interesting
the food is very healthy
the culture is really colourful

about me:
living here have taught me many important lessons so far, to be optimistic no matter how hard situation goes, to be open minded about new things, to enjoy life even if tomorrow is the end
no doubt, i am still learning to adapt at the moment and hopefully could settle down soon enough :)

more updates soon

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

my official farewell to Melbourne

I hesitated for a moment and let these flashbacks run through my mind one last time,
of all the memories i had created here.
it has been a great one and a half year here.
met amazing people, visited beautiful paradise, did crazy things, learnt valuable lessons in lives, tried yummy cuisines, gained alot of weights..etc!
i can now be proud to say i know melbourne and this was once my home.
nevertheless life goes on and i have to bid my last goodbye to this city which have hosted me.
i will truly deeply miss you Melbourne...

Monday, June 27, 2011

significant people in my life

friends since 2007 : Edwin & Joe

not swallowed in the sea

i never think that it is stupid to go all out to follow your heart,
even if that means that you have to suffer judgement and defamation.
i stand firm for what i believe
they can call it crazy or what but one thing for sure no one in this world know what i want more than i do.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

my life is brilliant

trashing risk management on a beautiful Sunday,
in a good way, afterall
i finally found my passion in finance :)

tell me about love at first sight.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

crunch time!

yay! finally finished my final assignment for my academic life.

moving on to studying for my final exams for my uni life..
funny thing it didn't felt so tiring and stressful this time, felt more like savouring each moment of studying knowing i will miss this feeling.

more importantly, i am looking forward for what's coming up after exam! FREEDOOOOMM and WORK!!

a kind soul i will never ever forget

the lady with the kindest heart who took all the effort of keeping my wallet safe and return it back to me despite all the hassle.

i have no words to express how much i am touched by her kindness...

if i have babies, i will definitely buy my baby clothes from your store...thank you Jan Brown.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

my final countdown in australia

tomorrow will mark the official last month of my stay in Australia.

I have summited my research paper and I just have one more subject to go and I will call it done once and for all.
I have sold my beloved bicycle today.

One step at a time and I am slowly concluding my journey here in Australia, as the days draw nearer I am starting to realise this is it. this is the end. i won't be seeing Australia for a long time, a place once host me and all the wonderful memories.

I will start to appreciate this final league here, for I know once I leave I will miss this place dearly..

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

friends which stay through thick and think, hot and COLD!

My three lovely best friends from KL came to visit me in this cold cold autumn/winter. They came just in time when I am at the bluest time of the season. Their presence have sent some comfort for me, it's like they brought some sunshine from KL to warm me here in Melbourne.

I am really glad to have good friends which will meet me no matter which part of the world I am, thanks guys and girls for this amazing friendship <3

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

dark days

the sky is gloomy
the air is chilly.
i am feeling messy.
too much pressure on myself i guess.
can't seem to see the big picture.
i need a rational and relaxed mind
i need a holiday.
i hope i can find peace in myself soon!

Monday, April 11, 2011

living a life of lies

if i could choose i would never lie to people that i love in my life.

i would rather tell them the truth and let them see through me.

however, at time things aren't so simple as it seems.

one things lead to another. and it stirs up more complications.

how i wish the world is much simpler

would't it be a nicer place to be?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

i feel good.

today is a good day:) i felt like a kind and good human being after so long.

it gave me a really satisfying sensation.

i met a dutch girl who was travelling in australia for a month. i was observing some street performers and she overheard my conversation and we chat casually for half an hour. she was telling me about her life and we exchanged point of views and gave each other contact and promise will go out for a drink before she leaves to perth.

it's amazing how bumping into a stranger on the street and bring so much difference to a normal and dull day..

second event was calling up my best friend who just broke up with her bf. I sensed that she needed someone to talk to and I was right, she cried to me on the phone and i had heart to heart talk with her. She felt relieved after the conversation and i felt so glad i could comfort her and for once i felt like a true friend and i just wanted to protect her from the hurt she is going through because i can understand her situation and her feelings.
She thanked me from the bottom of her heart and I felt so touched that she could seek solace in me even though we are so far apart.

Then I spent my evening accompanying Jerry to pass time and Carissa to get some stuffs although I was effing sick and wanted to just stay in bed.

Seriously I feel that I could be an angel because someone once said I have a big heart.

And I feel happy giving and sharing with people and friends who need me.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011

no matter where i go

I will always keep my feet on the ground and remember my roots.

I have always try to live with this principle. I am what I was made from. Because I know if I ever fail, my origin will always be there for me.

So no matter how great I have become, I will still be me and be proud to admit it!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

me heart Malvern big time!

Reason no.1 why I like Malvern:
- I have a lovely backdoor in my room.
Reason no.2 why I like Malvern:
- I have plenty of lovely people as my neighbours, Aiden upstairs, Nisha, William and Nicholas just down the street.
Reason no.3 why I like Malvern:
- I get to cycle with my friends every weekend and search for lovely cafe and diners.
Reason no.4 why I like Malvern:
- We have potluck so often I feel so at home
Reason no.5 why I like Malvern:
- 3 cats?! hmmm...
Reason no.6 why I like Malvern:
-Housemates that make me freshly squeeze orange juice
Reason no. 7 why I like Malvern:
- I pluck fresh roses as deco in my room every week
Reason no.8 why I like Malvern:
- I am close to everywhere
Reason no.9 why I like Malvern:
- Fresh air
Reason no.10 why I like Malvern:
- I have a lovely rosemary bush just outside my corridors.
Reason no.11 why I like Malvern:
- I just love staying in the suburb, I get to getaway from the crowd in the city over the weekend
Reason no.12 why I like Malvern:
- I love almost everything Malvern has to offer..

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

stop falsifying when it's worst enough

Dear Malaysians out there, I know everyone is freaked out with what happened in Japan but you guys seriously could do your bit by stop spreading fake news and information about radioactive substances rains in Malaysia. The radiation clouds will never make it to Malaysia, it hadn't even reach China yet!

Stop stirring up the panic in the locals. If such radiation rain is such a fuss, what is the quake and tsunami to the fellows Japanese.


I feel your grief Japan

Being part of Asian, I feel sympathetic for the recent Quake and Tsunami disaster in Japan. Although Japan is know to be well-prepared for situations like this, still when it comes to mother nature's wrath, there is no escape.

My prayers and thoughts go to every Japanese and I hope the nation will embrace this challenge with all the remaining strength.

May our dear Lord be with you and shed some mercy.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Odd dreams.. opps..Sweet Dreams!

I had the weirdest dream ever for two nights in a row.

The first was a lesbian love affair and things even got a little wild :-/.. Not that I am a lesbian, I am perfectly straight and in a very healthy boy-girl relationship with my boyfriend.

The second was that my childhood friend who is also my neighbour had disappeared for some years and when we found her one fine day, she revealed that she was secretly married to a guy and she is no longer studying or working and she is a happy housewife now!

OMGOSH! How weird is that! after all anything is possible in a dream. lol.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Pros vs Cons

Nothing in this world is perfect. And so the saying goes..

I used to live in my older apartment at St Kilda Road. The place is close to the city has a nice view and most importantly friendly and lovely housemates, so although the place is not so warm, cosy and clean it is a place which is warm in spirit by the residence.

Now I live in a unit in Malvern sharing a house with 3 others. The place is beautiful with nice surroundings and big rooms with everything, however the people living in it is relatively unfriendly and keep to themselves which makes me feel awkward at times.

Oh my... :(

Friday, March 4, 2011

Making use of what's left for me as life of a student in Australia.

Too much worries about the future appears redundant to me now that I only realised that I have 5 months time of being a student left and whatever that comes after that will definitely not be as relaxed and fun as it is now so I should make full use and treasure the time left :)

Courtesy thanks to Celeste for reminding me of this point that once you step into a working life you will wish that you never graduated :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Home Sweet Home @ Malvern

All the waiting finally paid off, no longer a Nomad :)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Can't you be believing now?

i need something to keep me moving.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Life as a nomad.

Ever have the feeling of being homeless and not knowing where to spend the night. This is totally what I feel now.

I can't wait to snuggle up in my own bed, have my own wardrobe and study table. I can't wait to decorate my soon-to-be lovely room. I can't wait to go HOME.. :(

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I speak with confidence when everyone ask me the question "What are you going to do after you graduate?". I know I have to because I can no longer avoid this question.

Is it wrong to answer what I want to do? I could no longer bother to think about what other people will think about me, whether they agree or disagree. I just want to follow my heart and do all I can to achieve it because I choose what my heart wants and I know this will lead to my happiness. I can compromise anything but I can never compromise my own happiness. This belongs to me and not anyone else. I will fight for it and if I failed I know I tried my best and I have no regrets.

The Law of Jante

As I was reviewing points for my Danish reflective journal, I came across something really unique and only found in Scandinavian country - The Law of Jante. According to wiki, this law shows a pattern of group behaviour towards individuals within Scandinavian communities, which negatively portrays and criticizes success and achievement as unworthy and inappropriate.

Honestly, it kinda sound like Moses's 10 law of commandments in the bible, except in a more inferior way... but I like it ;p

The ten rules state:

  1. Don't think you're anything special.
  2. Don't think you're as much as us.
  3. Don't think you're wiser than us.
  4. Don't convince yourself that you're better than us.
  5. Don't think you know more than us.
  6. Don't think you are more than us.
  7. Don't think you are good at anything.
  8. Don't laugh at us.
  9. Don't think anyone cares about you.
  10. Don't think you can teach us anything.

An eleventh rule recognized in the novel is:

11. Don't think there's anything we don't know about you.

Cool huh?! Oh and this is not a joke, it really exist!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


when i move into my new place, i will place a vase with flowers in it. I will get new and different flowers every week..tulips, daisies, lilies, iris, sunflowers and many more.. in the process i will discover some new flowers... yeah, that's what i'm gonna do..!

Monday, February 21, 2011

a little fish in a big pond

Just because I'm losing
Doesn't mean I'm lost
Doesn't mean I'll stop
Doesn't mean I'm across

Just because I'm hurting
Doesn't mean I'm hurt
Doesn't mean I didn't get what I deserved
No better and no worse

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

ZARA Europe vs ZARA KL

I bought a shirt for rm 69.90 with a tag on top of this tag, after tearing it up i saw the price in euro after conversion it should be only rm 60 and now we're talking about law of one price, how ironic. Still, I miss shopping in zara in Paris and Berlin.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Encounter in Europe continues

My next destination was Denmark whereby I spent most of my time (2 weeks). I was at Copenhagen city for 1 night and honestly the city is really small. I could just walk the entire city center for 2 hours. But one rewarding thing about Copenhagen is I finally got to eat real good chinese food which I have been craving for 1 week. We were lucky enough to have a chinese restaurant located directly opposite our hotel, We had two meals there and the price was actually one of the most reasonable. There was nothing much to explore in Copenhagen at that time firstly because it was winter and it is really cold, second it was a Sunday and everything is closed!, thirdly it's not a really happening city. Luckily people there spoke pretty good English but everything else were pretty expensive. FYI, I finally saw the little mermaid too!

My main destination for the entire travel plan was actually Aarhus whereby I will spend two week on exchange in the university there. Aarhus is a the third city after Copenhagen and Aalborg in Denmark with a population of 300,000 only. A really small pretty and peaceful city. It is 3 and a half hours train ride away from Copenhagen. The Danes are really unique people, probably typical scandinavianish. I stayed in a really cramp hotel with my roomate Carissa, I had hard time adapting to the limited space in the room. I never stayed in such a small room in my entire life before and I had to stay here for two weeks. The toilet was just so cool whereby you can do your business, wash your hand and shower at the same time because everything was just within reach. Imagine that!
My routines for the two weeks was to wake up at 6am get ready by 7 am and walk to uni which is 30 mins walk away from my hotel every day and have 6 hours lecture and attend uni activities after class. Basically I hadn't really seen daylight for that two weeks because it gets dark at 4pm. Despite that, I really enjoyed being a student there and the topics taught was really interesting because I learnt alot about Denmark and the EU, the after school activities was really fun as well. To sum it all, it was a great two weeks of student life there, but I was pretty sure I was prepared to return to Melbourne to continue my student life :P

Overall, Denmark is a really clean, discipline, peaceful and beautiful country. I have gained so much knowledge through my two weeks stay here and knew some great people from different part of the world. One more thing, the Danes are really IT savy people, you won't believe how I sat for my exam. I actually had two exams and both were conducted using my own laptop and we could use internet for searching info for the exams. The Danes really prioritise practicality and have great trust in the students that they won't cheat during exam which explains why Denmark is the country with the lowest corruption in the world. I would love to stay longer in Denmark but unfortunately my study grant won't last long enough for any extended stay.. so I had to move on to my next destination.. DEUTSCHLAND aka GERMANY! Before that I would rate Denmark 3 out of my 4 destination visited maybe.. because I just got too sick of eating rye bread everyday...? :-/ haha

Here are great pictures form my two week stay in Denmark which include Aarhus:

My final destination was Germany. The homeland of my boyfriend. Obviously, there was no escape in visiting Germany. Honestly, I had pretty high bar set from my previous countries so Germany would need to try really hard to impress me. Amazingly, it did! Germany is my ranked no.1 country out of 4. Don't call me biased because my boyfriend is a German. I judged based on my experiences. We basically covered all the major cities in Germany: Hamburg, Berlin, Munich and Frankfurt. Luckily we have a good tour guide and organiser to make sure everything is well-planned and work smoothly and who else could he be :p In my opinion. every city is special and unique in its own way and it wasn't boring at all travelling from city to city. Despite the long haul travel journey, I was always anticipating to see what the next city has to offer. Germany never fails to surprise me. Thanks to my so-lala German language it wasn't that hard to understand what's going on there. Well, Hamburg was the first city that we visited, it is a habour city and the second busiest habour in Europe. It was like a city build by a big river or sea. Then, we headed to the capital of Germany, Berlin. Berlin kinda felt like the perfect balance between modern city life and the historic city. I loved the old monuments which are still standing since WW2. We saw the Berlin wall and Brandenburger gate which are iconic to the world. I like the semi multicultural thing going on there, it was a much opened-minded city than I expected. Then on our third day we headed to Munich, one of the most beautiful city I've ever seen in my life. It's like the kind of fairy tale city every small girl read about. The snow covered historical churches and monuments are just mystifying. It feels like the perfect setting for a fairy tale that are always described in story books. The city was anything but modern, busy and hustle.We even went to the Neuschwanstein castle close to the Austria border, the castle was built on the mini Alps mountains. The view from on top the castle was just breath-taking. Since Munich is under the Bavarian territory, we had heaps of pork (pork knuckles & suckling pork) and they just tasted soooooooooo yummy....! I won't mind gaining an extra 5 kg for eating them.

On our last destination, we drove to Frankfurt where I will depart from. Frankfurt is a city like any other financial hub in the world, with high rise everywhere. Big banks mushroomed the entire city. Kinda felt like Singapore to me. Funny thing is while walking to one of the restaurants for dinner we saw bunnies hopping around on the grasses in front of these high rise. I meant everywhere!? It's just so weird.. hmm they are like bats which only come out at night except they hop around. You definitely don't see that in any other modern cities in the world. OooHh AS a Master of Finance student, I can now proudly say I have been to the European Central Bank too!
As you all know, Germany is my top pick among all four countries. Reason? my bf? NO!!! you have to find it out on your own to understand SERIOUSLY! ;) FYI i'm not getting paid for promoting Germany.

I present to you pictures from all over Germany;

The Radical Dreamer came back to live

As I mentioned one month back, I was on a study/travel mission for one month and I promised I will share heaps of pictures and experience in my blog.

Well let's first go through them one by one..

My first destination was London..I had four days there and we went to all the must-visit-place such as Buckingham palace, Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, London Eye, Madam Tussaunds, London & Tower Bridge and Harrods with the Knightsbridge shopping area. Lucky for us we had many days to spare, we took a day tour to Windsor Castle, Stonehenge and Bath- the roman city. So basically I have covered most of the London. Overall I find that London is a city which is kinda overrated and things are pretty expensive. As for the food, it is pretty expected and standard. Maybe I have stayed in Melbourne for a while, the feeling London gave me was pretty similar to Melbourne so for London A I would rate it 4 out of the four countries I've visited.

Here is the link to the photos from London:

My second destination was Paris, the whole trip was pretty rushed and short. We took Eurostar from London to Paris and the entire journey took 2 hours only. Pretty impressive huh. Wait.. Have I forgot to mentioned that I got a really bad bruise on my left leg when I was carrying my 20 kg luggage up the train. I fell on the platform..On top of that don't be deceived by the cool ride. I had a really bad first impression once I got down from the train at the Paris main train station. We totally had no idea how the entire subway worked and how exactly to get to our hotel. So our natural instinct was to ask the information counter and guess what?! Although they spoke English (really badly) they were rude as well maybe because we spoke in English. (French hates English). We had hard time understanding her instruction and had a really hard time getting to the subway near our hotel. While we were at the subway my hand got caught at the barrier and I was yelling for help and no one bothered to help me because they were just simply shouting French at me and I freaking don't understand a crap. There goes my second bruise. Great just got to Paris already injured on leg and hand. What's next!? Oh yeah.. rainy weather... yes alongside with our 20 kg luggage searching for our deserted hotel. The fact that no one speaks English just made things worst. We were drenched, tired, cranky and battered when we finally found our hotel. OK enough of my series of unfortunate encounter in Paris.
Because we only had two days in Paris, we were on express tour plan and we only visited the must see places such as Museum Du' Lourve, Eiffel Tower, Versailles Palace and Arc de triomphe. I guess that was enough for our tour in Paris. Oh yeah not to mentioned, the food in Paris is YUMMMM! it was definitely 10x better than English food and don't expect to find any asian food along. And for you girls out there, Paris is definitely a shopping heaven. Prepare enough Euros before heading to this city because I can guarantee that once you start shopping you can't stop!
I really likes the whole romance city of love in Paris concept apart from the people unfriendliness and language barrier. I would like to go back to France one day and visit the souther part which is Monaco. I would rate this destination 2 out of 4.

Check out pictures from Paris:

i came across this song in Karaoke today and it totally nailed me!

Monday, January 17, 2011

blog on hold.

Sorry peeps, I am currently touring Europe for a month so I will not be able to update my blog as frequent but I will post my experience when I'm back in KL. Keep posted!
Cheers :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

welcome new year 2011

2010 has treated me very well, I hope 2011 will treat me even better.

This year I decided to open up my house for a new year party with close friends and guess what IT WAS A BLAST!!! way better than countdowning at Sg Wang or Dataran :P

We get the comfort, the fun and of course heaps of alcohol to celebrate, although some of us didn't end up pretty much as expected ...teehhheeee!