Sunday, August 29, 2010

Back from Sydney with lots of drama!

I was supposed to be back in Melbourne by Thursday night as scheduled but when we arrived at Sydney Airport ready to board the flight we found out that the our flight has been cancelled. So we ended back at the check in counter with a super long queue along with the other passengers which are stranded just like us. We had bleak hope to catch the last flight for the day because of the queue. So we were rescheduled to the another flight on Friday night. This was so unexpected but luckily Tiger airways provided us with a list of hotels and they promised to cover the hotel charges. Of course we picked the best out of all and stayed at Stamford hotel for the night.

Not only that, we even came up with sponstaneous plan to drive to Canberra for the day and arrive back to catch the flight at night. Dramas lead to adventure. The cancelled flight was definitely a blessing in disguise.

Overall I had a wonderful Sydney trip, getting around the city was never a problem and everything went well as planned and I am glad that we had great time and great food. The hotel room was a bonus to our trip. I absolutely love the cossy bed and interrior in Springfield Lodge. I would highly recommend it to any who wish to stay in Sydney.

Most importantly, I had the time of my life with someone special and it wouldn't have been any greater without Stefan. Although there were some argues and conflicts in between we made it thru and we definitely know each other better.

I will rate this trip: 4.5 out of 5 gold stars :)

Here are some snapshots from the trip:

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Upcoming Plans

Folks, I'll be leaving to Sydney for a short trip on Tuesday and I will be back on Thursday just in time for my Friday back to back lecture. It'll be a two and a half day trip with Stefan. Hope all goes well with the weather and travel plans. I will definitely be back with loads of really nice pictures. Stay tuned!


One of my bestie will be visiting Melbourne in one week time with her boyfriend and I am going to be her tour guide during her stay. I am still working on their travel schedule but I promised her heaps of funs and excitement ahead. Really looking forward to her arrival. People if you have any suggestions as to where I should bring them, please drop me a message, I am desperate for any ideas that can fill my itinerary.


There is always a calm before the storm, true enough. September and October is going to be a war period for me. Weekly due dates of presentation and assignments one after another. Not to mention a 3k word essay on Denmark. Wonder why did I even signed up for this study tour. Sigh :(

At least I will be pre-occupied given I have already relaxed and chilled for two months, I guess it should time for me to get my lazy ass up and get serious with work.

Ganbateh Elaine!

Michelle Branch goes country

Grammy winner - Michelle Branch is going country with latest hits from her soon-to-release-album-Everything Comes and Goes

It has been a while since Michelle is back in the industry following the award winning album - Hotel Paper with hits like All you wanted, Breathe and Are you happy now
I managed to get some updates on her future release tracks from her upcoming album.
Do enjoy ;)

Recommended tunes: Sooner of Later (love a little touch of pop with country)

I'm really looking forward to the reviews.
You go Michelle!

German Menu for Dinner :)

A simple and special home-cooked dinner filled with love by my beloved 'self proclaimed' Master Chef - Stefan. Unfortunately I am the kitchen helper which was assigned to handle the potatoes only :(

the master chef's masterpiece - pan fried lamb with potatoes,eggs and bacon alongside mixed vege as side. 2 thumbs up!

Smiles from the chef himself :P

Stefan in action

Have I done it right this time?

I was trying to be honest, I told everything I had to, but ended up getting a different reaction. A chain reaction happened. They doubted me, I doubted in myself and him. How can we all be happy when we are all playing the game of doubt.

All I wanted was just to be honest and guilt free. I admit mistakes were done in my life but I have live to learn to deal with the consequences. After all, I am responsible for my own act. I hate the feeling of being accountable for somebody else. I rather prefer being held accountable for myself at least I do not face pressure of trying to be perfect to please myself.

They is a saying, if you made a mistake for the first time, it can be forgiven and forget, but when you do same mistake twice, you are a fool.

Or maybe some people just want to be a fool after all....

Once broken considered sold.

Trust is like the saying 'once broken considered sold'.

True enough, trust forms between parents and child, husband and wife, girlfriend and boyfriend, employer and employee even between patients and doctor.

Some trust are life and death matter, but mostly is loyalty.

Trust can come in an intangible form such as a marriage vow or maybe even a contract. Once breach, they will always be a consequences that one must face.

Therefore, always think twice before making that promise which is tagged along with trust.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

My First AFL Match

I was once told that if you haven't watch an Australia Footy Match, you are considered to be in Australia before..
Yesterday I went for my very first Australian Footy Match with teams of Geelong playing against Carlton. I was told that Geelong was the champion for last year and it should be an exciting game. Honestly, the local supporters are really enthusiastic with all the banners, scarfs, caps, jersey and all. The spirit is definitely there.

Luckily I have my personal game info provider, I was able to understand the entire game play..
and I cheered for Geelong and they pawned Carlton since the start of the game.
Final game score: 121 for Geelong and 79 to Carlton.

I am definitely looking forward to the final playoffs in September.especially with warmer weather :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Denmark Study Tour.

As I mentioned earlier, we had no choice but only Denmark as our only study tour destination so I didn't even give it a second thought of consideration.

After a while, the whole study tour idea resurface again because I wanted to do something different before I graduate for REAL as a student. So after months of consideration I guess it isn't that bad after all. Apart from the crazy cold weather we are going to face in January. I guess it should be loads of fun and it's going to be an exciting experience. I have always wanted to go to Norway. I think Denmark is pretty much similar to Norway in terms of climate and culture. After all it's like doing two electives within two weeks and an almost guarantee pass rate. Just that I definitely have to chip in some extra money to fund the whole study tour.

Besides that, I have my travel buddy with me, Carissa whom vowed to get a Chanel Bag if we ever step foot at London which is quite likely. She will definitely enjoy the shopping part but as for me I would love the chance to travel at UK or maybe Germany.

Now the most important part of the entire tour is to work out a budget and a serious family discussion. I'm keeping fingers crossed that the cost incurred will be minimal :X
But I am definitely looking forward to my visit to Europe in January...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Q & A

When you know the road of the choice you want to make is going to lead you to nothing in the end, will you still take it?

Can you pretend to love me a little more knowing that it's going to make me happy.
But Hush...! Don't let me know.

Words come out easy but definitely not the words from the deepest core of your heart.

It seems easy to remember the small little happy things that make me happy. But it seems harder to forget the small little details that will break my heart.

I am trying to make sense of your every word and act. Trying hard to resist but God knows how long I can hold myself from falling to you.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Peanut Butter Affair

And it all begins as...
I choke back on my tears. Taste the salt slide down the back of my throat. Check myself in the mirror. Ugh. Turn around. Turn back hoping to see someone else. Pause. Feel the emptiness in the room. No one watching. Cross through to the kitchen. Open the pantry, look inside. Grab a jar of peanut butter. Unscrew the lid. Take a whiff. Stick my finger in the jar of peanut butter. Lick it off. Felt someone watching me. Shit. Turn around to face them. No one's there. Put the peanut butter away. Wash my hands. Careful to remove any traces of peanut butter. Reapply lipstick. Head to the door. To reality. Again.