Saturday, December 31, 2011

moving on 2012.

A little recap through what happened in 2011.

According to my memory, it seems like not long ago that I hosted my 2011 new year party where I behaved bizarrely after a few drinks. I definitely started my new years not as sober as this year. I am pretty sure because i will have to drive home after the new years party tonight.

I felt like I have achieved many in 2011 through good and tough times.
I braised myself and went for study tour in Europe, met a lot of new people and see a lot of new place.
Back in Melbourne, I had hard time looking for an apartment initially but settled to stay in Malvern for half a year. Found a cosy little room which is located in the suburbs. Made my all long dream came true which is to stay in a suburb. Lucky me, I even had a few friends which lived around. Therefore I bought a bicycle and did lots of road trips and more eating with them.
Stefan also came to Melbourne to gave me a surprise visit and we ended up going to Brisbane and Gold Coast, giving me an unforgettable memory there.
The half year ended with me graduating with good grades and I looked forward to embark my new journey in Germany right after that!

My second half of 2011 began with going to language school in Berlin, getting to know Germany and making more new friends and spending most of the second half of 2011 with Stefan and his family and friends. I had tough time struggling to find a job in Germany and ended up with many arguments and tears and dramas with family and even had chicken pox during that time. Thankfully, Stefan was there all the time going through the rough patch with me. Eventually 2011 slowly ended with me being back in KL and Stefan second visit to KL. This time was Stefan's turn to get to know my family and friends more.

Now here I am sitting on my bed writing this post after celebrating with a bunch of high school friends, saw amazing fireworks under the KL nights on the roof top.

I know 2012 is going to be another challenging year and I have many aims that I want to achieve so I will start this year with hopefulness that would keep me company through this tough journey ahead. I also know my family and friends will always be there for me. Who knows, I might be posting more good news in time to come ;)

This blog will definitely be the first to know!

Tschüs 2011, Hallo 2012.