Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I. Am. Elaine

I didn't know that leaving my blog idle would create such an impact to my "followers". Apparently, some of my friends said they got fed up of checking my blog because there is always no latest updates. Is this good or not? Well, I replied my plan is to give a surprise at unexpected times. To create the suspense that will thrill my readers.. Alright, let's not get to carried away.

Last night, I met up with a bunch of old buddies, the MBSians. Thanks you guys for making an effort to meet up wit me despite the working and study weekdays. And thanks for accompanying me through the night because of my hyperactiveness. And the night before, my best friend Esther and her gang threw me a farewell dinner at Elixir. Do check out my facebook for more picture as I will upload them soon.

Basically my whole week was to meet up with as many friends as I could to catch up with old times before my departure. I tried my very best to bid my farewell to all my close buddies. However, as for some which I did not manage to meet up I apologize for "ffk"ing because I am really caught up with my schedule.

Oh yeah, please dont be surprise to see an emotional post because it's totally part of the plan to spice up my blog! Hahaha, but always remember I am Elaine! I am happy-go-lucky!

Love you all my friends ;) Stay tune for more posts!

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