Sunday, August 29, 2010

Back from Sydney with lots of drama!

I was supposed to be back in Melbourne by Thursday night as scheduled but when we arrived at Sydney Airport ready to board the flight we found out that the our flight has been cancelled. So we ended back at the check in counter with a super long queue along with the other passengers which are stranded just like us. We had bleak hope to catch the last flight for the day because of the queue. So we were rescheduled to the another flight on Friday night. This was so unexpected but luckily Tiger airways provided us with a list of hotels and they promised to cover the hotel charges. Of course we picked the best out of all and stayed at Stamford hotel for the night.

Not only that, we even came up with sponstaneous plan to drive to Canberra for the day and arrive back to catch the flight at night. Dramas lead to adventure. The cancelled flight was definitely a blessing in disguise.

Overall I had a wonderful Sydney trip, getting around the city was never a problem and everything went well as planned and I am glad that we had great time and great food. The hotel room was a bonus to our trip. I absolutely love the cossy bed and interrior in Springfield Lodge. I would highly recommend it to any who wish to stay in Sydney.

Most importantly, I had the time of my life with someone special and it wouldn't have been any greater without Stefan. Although there were some argues and conflicts in between we made it thru and we definitely know each other better.

I will rate this trip: 4.5 out of 5 gold stars :)

Here are some snapshots from the trip:

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