Thursday, May 27, 2010

Disconnected from the World.

Lately, it's just been me, me, me and more of me. It's so amazing I've been surviving with just socialising with my laptop and iPhone for the past 1 week. And I start thinking life is so boring here and I am drop dead lonely.

I start wondering where is everyone else? Why is my life so routine? Wake up-Go Class-Home-Dinner-Revision-Sleep and continue on the next day with the same thing. And at this time I start thinking back how interesting life is in KL even when I am doing the exact same thing here. And then I started thinking about my malls..almost everything I had when I was in KL.

I was so lonely and bored I even went to the beach for a walk to see sunset by myself. I look at people bringing their dogs for a walk on the beach. Maybe I wont be lonely if I have a 'man's best friend'?

Finally after a web cam session with my parents, I felt so much more better like at least I have spoken to someone literally chatted with human beings.

Sigh.. I have to admit life in Melbourne is really boring and lifeless.. :(

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