Thursday, May 13, 2010

- Eclipse - The Twilight Series

June 30, 2010 marks the official date of the release of Eclipse, the third movie following the Twilight and New Moon series. Honestly, I wasn't really a big fan of Twilight until I read all four books. and I just realised I am just as crazy as any other Twilight fan. It felt as though the author has stirred up a world of fantasies and romance in my mind whereby I started imagining every scene mentioned in the books. No wonder Stephanie Myer is one of the world's best selling author. Check out more about Stephanie Meyer on Did you know Stephanie actually submerged herself in a world full of vampire romance and fantasies so that she could portrait those imaginations into words. She even went to the real Forks Town (the major scene where the story took place) to get more inspirations for her story.

Okay back to the story, let me warn you guys, I am going to write some spoiler here so if any of you do not wanna be "spoiled" by me. Please do not read ahead.

And the story in New Moon ended like Edward went to Rome when he thought Bella was dead and wanted to suicide by revealing his identity to the public so he will get prosecution from the Volturi and blah blah blah and finally got saved by Bella.

However, there would be a little twist in the Eclipse series. You will witness the battle between Jacob and Edward for Bella's love, and I can tell you there is so many love hate scene which kinda annoy me. P/s: Jacob and Edward kept getting jealous of one another, but good thing they eventually became friends towards the end. There is also how Victoria got killed by Edward and how the Volturi gave Bella a dateline to become a vampire. And ultimately how Edward proposed to Bella...woohooo Good Ending!

Yes. Let me proudly introduce you the official Eclipse Trailer:.

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